- WEPS has organised many events since its creation. In October 2022, we organised a discussion led by Hélène Périvier, author of “L’économie féministe”. This event was a success as it gathered many young economists from all over the Paris area.
Last events
June 26 event
June 26th, 2023- 6pm
The academic year is reaching its end, and WEPS is happy to invite you to its last informal drink. This is an opportunity to gather, discuss the latest news regarding gender equality, and think about what we could do next. And if we haven’t met yet, to properly get to know each other!
To discover WEPS, discuss future initiatives, and make your voice heard, we kindly invite you to our end-of-the-year drink at:
35 rue Didot
75014 Paris
May 16 event
Click here to see the summary of the event
May 16, 2023- 6.30pm
Join us for our first conference on sexual and gender-based violence at University. Our guests will discuss and exchange on various related topics from a scientific perspective:
- The magnitude and dynamics of violences at university
- The specificities of the academic contexts
- The tools and solutions at the institutional level to fight against those violences
Our guests so far:
Viviane Albenga, sociologist at Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, Sociology of Gender and intersectionality
Co-author with J. Dagorn of « Après# MeToo: Réappropriation de la sororité et résistances pratiques d’étudiantes françaises » (2019), Mouvements, (3), 75-84
- Farah Deruelle, PhD student in sociology at Université Toulouse II Jean Jaurès, Sociology of work, gender and sexuality
- Author of ‘La sexualité en colloque, une « parenthèse enchantée » ? Violences et rituel professionnels à l’épreuve de l’égalité des carrières scientifiques’
Armelle ANDRO, demographer, Professor at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Scientific Director of the Public Health Department of the City of Paris
Author of « Mind the Gap : avancées et résistances dans la prise en charge des violences sexuelles et sexistes dans le monde académique (2002-2022) » (2023), Mouvements, vol. 113, n°1, 2023
A militant of CLASCHES
Amphithéâtre 250
5 Avenue Henri le Châtelier
91120 Palaiseau
Please note that this conference will be held in French mainly. Keep in touch for the next events which may be in English and don’t hesitate to contact us if you need resources in English about that topic!
Conference co-organized with the CREST (Center for Research in Economics and Statistics)
You are all welcome to this exceptional event that will require benevolence and understanding.
We acknowledge that this conference may be intellectually or emotionally challenging for some of you, so feel free to take a break from the conference at any moment and to talk to a member of our team.